Weird Dreams

Weird Dreams Weird Dreams Weird Dreams Weird Dreams

Developer: N/AGraphics:
Publisher: RainbirdSound:
Year: 1989Difficulty:
Genre: …---…Lastability:
Number of players: 1Rating: 3/10

Another bizarre game for my collection.

You briefly find yourself in an operating room, lying on the table, before being plunged into a strange dream. You wake up in your pyjamas, shrunk to the size of an insect, inside a cotton candy machine, constantly at risk of being crushed by the rapidly spinning wooden stick…

This is just the first step in a series of absurd trials, sometimes turning sinister (a little girl awaits you with a butcher’s knife further on). The controls are unclear, and above all, unresponsive. I’ve nothing against surreal artistic madness, but such difficulty in controlling the thing is a dealbreaker for me, and with such slow execution, my impatience overtook my curiosity.

In any case, if you want to traumatise your kids, I don’t know of anything better.

This game was accompanied by a novella of about sixty pages written by Rupert Goodwins, somewhere between Alice in Wonderland and The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. I spent more time reading it than playing. It wasn’t much more interesting.

In the same style (macabre), you can try Neverending Nightmares (PC, 2014) and Fran Bow (PC, 2015).

Where to download it?
Planet Emulation
The Old Computer