“Wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub DROP! [pause.] Wub wub wub wub.”

remix64.com (Amiga and Commodore 64 remixes)
Amiga Remix
daxX's YouTube channel (creator of Amiga game remixes)
Grospixels Remixes (Amiga and consoles)
Overclocked Remix (remixes of past and present video game music, all platforms)
Amiga Museum (a selection of original music converted to mp3)
khinsider.com (game soundtracks in mp3, all platforms)
The Dark Side of Phobos (Doom music remixes)
Spice Opera (Dune music remixes)
World Of Menchi (a musician who creates on the Amiga, and it’s really cool)

Finally, a huge thanks to Zakari Abdessamad for his mp3 player in JavaScript.