In the Woods…(by “Nimh” on 04/01/2005)

toc.. scruich tid tittic

“Here we go … it was two weeks ago, I was wandering through Ashenvale, and let me start by saying I’d just had a few run-ins with some punks (I remember one of them had a scruffy little beard) near Astranaar, and the local guard hadn’t exactly been sympathetic…

After that dreadful day—where, to top it all off, I’d been disconnected right in the middle of the Foulwead totem quest (those who know Blackeye will get it)—I came across a young girl by the river.

The sun cast its orange rays across the horizon, and her long green hair fell gracefully over a beautifully simple white fabric gown. She turned around and took a step back… I saw a hint of fear in her eyes, probably because I’d appeared so suddenly (and maybe also because my level was just a bit higher than hers).

There she was … within axe range… I gave her a friendly wave … which she, of course, was too shy to return. I stepped aside; nature was too beautiful, and I let her go…”


“Then I turned back, savoring that pastel-coloured sunset, breathing in the fresh scent of the trees, and listening to that sweet music so typical of the elven forests.
I transformed into Night Wolf and, just for fun, chased after that wild little thing. And I took my massive axe and slammed it right into her face—teach you some manners, you little—” beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep