“I guess that’s what they call poetic justice.”

Mega Man 10

(Rockman 10: Uchū kara no Kyōi!!)

Mega Man 10 Mega Man 10 Mega Man 10 Mega Man 10

System: PlayStation 3, Wii, Xbox 360Graphics:
Publisher: CapcomSound:
Year: 2010Difficulty:
Genre: Action-platformerRating: 6/10

20XX: viruses, robots, world domination … Mega Man! Or Proto Man! Or Bass, if you shelled out for the DLC.

The formula remains exactly the same as the previous instalment, so I’ll focus on the minor differences. I bought this game alongside Mega Man 9 (as part of the Legacy Collection 2, which, by the way, includes the DLC) and played it right after completing the previous game three times. I’ll admit … I might be a bit Mega’d out.
[Human feedback welcome! – Ed.]

Mega Man 10 felt less punishing in “normal” mode than its predecessor, mainly because the items are significantly cheaper. On the downside, there are far fewer “enemy dispensers”, which made farming tokens and recovering energy a breeze in Mega Man 9. Wily’s fortress, however, is especially aggravating, thanks to the weapons (a familiar gripe from Mega Man 5): they’re useless and guzzle way too much energy.

For the masochists, there’s always “hard” mode for your second playthrough, preferably with a self-imposed ban on items and saves. You’ll be pulling out your hair, guaranteed.

It’s a shame there’s no meaningful interaction between the playable characters, especially since the plot practically begged for it when Mega Man gets infected by the virus. A passing-the-torch moment, say, where Proto Man steps in as Mega Man falters, would have been great. Instead of window dressing Roll… Oh well!

Lastly, you’ll find the same type of additional challenges as in the previous game, along with three hidden bosses that veteran Game Boy players will instantly recognise: Enker, Punk, and Ballade. Fortunately, their weapons are equippable!

Suggested order:
Sheep Man > Pump Man > Solar Man > Chill Man > Nitro Man > Commando Man > Blade Man > Strike Man

Mega Man 10 Mega Man 10 Mega Man 10 Mega Man 10
Mega Man 10 Mega Man 10 Mega Man 10 Mega Man 10
Mega Man 10 Mega Man 10 Mega Man 10 Mega Man 10
Mega Man 10 Mega Man 10 Mega Man 10 Mega Man 10
Mega Man 10 Mega Man 10 Mega Man 10 Mega Man 10
Mega Man 10 Mega Man 10 Mega Man 10 Mega Man 10
Mega Man 10 Mega Man 10 Mega Man 10 Mega Man 10

Mega Man 11

Where to buy it?