“Carpe diem, seize the day. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.”
Ayesha Title:

La Légende du peuple turquoise

Author: ANGE
Year: 2005


A French fantasy novel in three volumes (compiled into a single edition in this Bragelonne release, which, by the way, is riddled with typos), which tackles themes of slavery and religious fanaticism.

The Turquoise People, persecuted for centuries, await the fulfillment of a prophecy, which will see their goddess Ayesha lead them on the path to revolt and freedom…

The online reviews are raving. Me, I call it a hodgepodge of clichés. Every page gives me a feeling of “already read”. And in fact, just a few months after finishing it, I have no recollection of it. Not a good sign.