The Mega Man Homepage
An extremely rich personal site started in 1994! And my absolute reference.
Mega Man Knowledge Base
Another key reference on the subject, with a more didactic tone (it’s a wiki, an online encyclopedia).
Mega Man XZ: The Maverick Hunters
Detailed guides on the classic, X, and the first Mega Man Zero series. They stopped updating in the early 2000s, just like I did.
Dr. Cossack’s Laboratory
Another personal site, launched in 2000. With a bit of digging, you can uncover gems like this English translation of Rockboard (NES) or this review of SuperAdventure Rockman!
Mega Man Legends Station
A site entirely dedicated to the (unjustly) least popular series. Very comprehensive.
Sprites Inc
A high-quality site specialising in sprites from Mega Man games.
What for? Good question.
Rockman.exe Online
Dedicated to the animated series of the same name.