Crystal Kingdom Dizzy

Crystal Kingdom Dizzy Crystal Kingdom Dizzy Crystal Kingdom Dizzy Crystal Kingdom Dizzy

Developer: SynergyGraphics:
Publisher: CodemastersSound:
Year: 1993Difficulty:
Genre: Platform-adventureLastability:
Number of players: 1Rating: 7/10

Dizzy number 7, or just more of the same.

Without injecting much fresh blood into the series, they’ve at least polished a few details. Chief among these is the infuriating inertia after jumping, which has finally been eradicated! They’ve also made an effort with the dialogue, adding a quirky sense of humour. Even the music got some attention—noble intention, sure, but I’d still prefer the hold music from the NHS hotline.

The story is divided into four standalone chapters. It’s an opportunity to travel, see new environments, and—most importantly—introduce a password system, via a Game Genie (a nod to the infamous cheat device from Codemasters).

And among the surprises, they’ve even thrown in CJ the Elephant as a guest star!

It pains me to admit it, but after starting with the abomination that is Treasure Island Dizzy—which still gives me nightmares—I’ve watched the fatal flaws slowly disappear, game after game. Despite my best efforts to resist, I’ve gradually gone from cautious tolerance to full-blown fan. I’d never have paid full price for any of these, but on an emulator, with quick save, it’s the kind of simple and charming pastime that’s perfect for lifting your mood before work (or after). Just make sure to mute the music unless you fancy ending up in the asylum (the options menu lets you replace it with sound effects, though I’d suggest ripping out your speakers and stomping them into pieces).

The game takes ages to load. As they say, “just wait longer”.

Where to download it?
Planet Emulation
The Old Computer